Chinese medicine believes that health problems are caused by the collision of two opposing forces, Yin and Yang. Chinese medicine attempts to restore balance between Yin and Yang to treat ailments. This is why people often think Chinese medicine is mystical.
With the help of Chinese medicine, you can improve your odds of survival and reduce the risk of recurrence. Researchers have discovered that certain elements in Chinese medicines have anti-cancer properties. These natural ingredients work by fighting the tumor cells directly or indirectly. Let’s look at how Chinese medicine can be used to fight cancer.
Chinese medicine and cancer treatment
Complementary and alternative medical methods have been utilized across the world to combat cancer in recent decades. Chinese traditional medicine (TCM) has been widely accepted as a mainstream complementary and alternative cancer therapy in China. Despite the fact that TCM has been utilized in Asia for millennia, it is still widely utilized. Chinese herbal drugs (CHM) are the most common drug utilized in CHM. A large number of lung cancer patients have utilized CHM as an alternative medicine as a result of its effectiveness and mild side effects. For example, nonsmall‐cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients who received CHM experienced fewer toxic effects, experienced better quality of life, experienced longer survival rates, and experienced higher Karnofsky performance scores immediately after receiving the treatment.
How Chinese Medicine Helps In Fending Off Cancer
Chinese medicine has been found to retard and/or halt cancer growth. Using an extract of a Chinese herb, researchers have discovered that this herb helps to prevent DNA damage caused by radiation therapy. In a study, researchers concluded that radiation therapy combined with Chinese herbs helped to reduce cancer recurrence. Unfortunately, we have yet to discover exactly which ingredients can help fight cancer. This is because cancer cells are different from normal cells. Cancer cells are unhealthy and abnormal, whereas normal cells are healthy. So, until recently, scientists did not know how to identify the differences between normal and cancer cells. However, now that we know how to differentiate between normal and cancer cells, scientists will be able to look into how Chinese herbalism can help fight cancer. Several representative CHM‐derived phytochemicals, namely curcumin, resveratrol, berberine, dioscin, baicalein, wogonin, silibinin, quercetin, tanshinone IIA, and celastrol have been studied in detail, their administration demonstrated to exhibit antitumor effects in many cancers.
How Tumors Grow and Why Chinese Medicine Can Stop It
Cells are the foundation of all living organisms. When cells grow, they divide into two new cells. These two cells can then divide again to create new cells. This is how your body repairs and regenerates itself. Normal cells grow and divide when they have enough nutrients. This means that they have enough food to create new cells. However, when there are too many cells or nutrients are low, the cells will stop dividing. This process is known as cell differentiation. Unfortunately, cancer cells do not follow these rules. Instead, they ignore the signals that tell them to stop growing and dividing. A tumor results when these uncontrolled cells grow together and form a mass. This mass can then expand and grow into nearby healthy tissues. A large number of cancer patients have used CHM as an alternative therapy because of its effectiveness and lack of serious side effects. Several CHM‐derived compounds have exhibited anticancer properties that inhibit the development, proliferation, angiogenesis, and metastasis of human cancer.
Which Chinese Medicine Is The Best To Fight Cancer?
Chinese epimedium, has been found to be helpful in treating breast cancer. Chinese herbs are not the only Chinese medicine that can help fight cancer. Chinese dietary recommendations can also help to prevent and fight cancer. Several CHM‐derived compounds have exhibited anticancer properties that inhibit the development, proliferation, angiogenesis, and metastasis of human cancer. In particular, resveratrol, curcumin, and berberine have all been evaluated in a number of clinical trials for the treatment of many types of cancer. In most cases, TCM is taken as an adjuvant therapy for cancer.
Other ways that Chinese Medicine can help during and after cancer treatment
– Acupuncture: Acupuncture can help reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. For example, if you develop nausea and vomiting, acupuncture can help to stop you from feeling sick. Your doctor should be able to advise you on if and when you should use acupuncture.
– Chinese dietary recommendations: A healthy diet can do more than just prevent cancer. It can also help to fight cancer.
– Chinese medicine can also help you to cope with the emotional impacts of cancer.
– Qi-Gong: Qi-gong is an exercise that can help you with stress, anxiety, and other emotional issues.
When you are diagnosed with cancer, it can be a frightening time. The thought of chemotherapy and radiation therapy can make you feel anxious. The principal strategies of cancer treatment include surgical resection, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Other means of cancer therapy, such as immunotherapy and targeted therapy, have led to significant breakthroughs in curing cancer in recent years. Over recent decades, a number of clinical and laboratory studies have been conducted with the aim of establishing the effectiveness of TCM in treating cancer. Now that we understand how Chinese medicine can help fight cancer, it is time to embrace it. Chinese medicine offers many benefits, including reduced side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. With these benefits, it is time to embrace Chinese medicine as a valuable part of your cancer treatment.